Enjoy your stay in Comfort Hotel Suites, which is one of Amman hotels 3-stars. Make yourself at home in one of 21 air conditioned rooms and suites including a luxury suite, deluxe suite, executive suite and equipped to entertain guests such as kitchen with kitchen tools, mini-bar, screen TV with satellite channels, seating area, desk, bathroom toiletries, and telephone. Spend your holiday in this hotel that offers you numerous facilities: babysitting, Room Service, ATM on-site, 24-Hour Front Desk, currency converter, wake-up service, laundry facilities, Ironing Service, meeting rooms, free wireless Internet service, business center, Photocopying, car rental, concierge service. You can practice various sports and recreation activities through an indoor swimming pool, sauna, fitness center, hot tub. Enjoy delicious food in the hotel restaurant, which offers a large variety of foods and dishes with snacks, and you can have a refreshing drinks at the bar. Book easily Comfort Hotel Suites with Flyin.
You can spend good time at Comfort Hotel Suites in Amman, which is in located close to the major tourist attractions such as The ancient Roman theater just 20-minutes drive, also from Queen Alia International Airport about 31 minutes by car.
Cancellation policies can vary seasonally or depending on the property or room type. You can review the specific policy for the hotel you selected during the reservation process.
Child PolicyChildren policies may vary seasonally or depending on the hotel or room type. You can review the hotel's policies during reservation.
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