Location: Hotel Venus Inn is located at Bapuji Nagar. Popular places of tourist attraction Lingaraj temple (Approx. 3km) and Pathani Samanta Planetarium (Approx. 5km) surround this hotel. Pathani Samata Planetarium arranges for scientific films shows and exhibitions on astronomy and space. It puts special emphasis on research and creating awareness about celestial phenomena. Explore the city by visiting Biju Patnaik Park, Sisupalgarh and Ananta Vasudeva temple. Distance from Bhubaneswar Railway Station: Approx. 2km Distance from Biju Patnaik Airport: Approx. 3km Hotel Features: Guests are sure to spend a hassle-free stay in this hotel. The basic amenities include room service, travel desk, security, Wi-Fi access, car rental, parking and doctor-on-call. The conference room of the hotel is perfect for meetings, events and parties. The in- house restaurant serves delicious food to pamper taste buds. Rooms: Deluxe A/C room and double deluxe non A/C room are the room options offered to the guests for accommodation. These rooms are simple, yet perfect for a cosy stay. Amenities include colour television, in- room menu and a telephone for comfort and convenience. Hotel Venus Inn, Bhubaneswar is a budget hotel that offers all the facilities to ensure a comfortable stay. The cosy and spacious rooms along with gracious hospitality present a beautiful setting to its guests to experience a great stay. The simplicity of the decor and the warmth of the ambience creates a friendly atmosphere for the guests.
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